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  • CANCELLED: Indoor Bike Training

CANCELLED: Indoor Bike Training

  • 19 Mar 2020
  • 18:15 - 19:15
  • Freedom Leisure, Crowborough
  • 17


Build your bike fitness with this coached session in the spinning studio.

Participation is only £4 (£6 for guests), please book your place here to ensure there are enough bikes to go round. There is a reserve list in the event that all places are already booked for a particular session.

If you can't come please let us know so we can reallocate your place to someone else.  If you don't cancel regrettably we will still have to charge you for participation.

Please arrive on time as the session will start promptly at 18:15. Don't forget to bring a full water bottle & a sweat towel. Bikes have traditional toes clips for use with trainers & SPD(mtb) style pedals.  Shoes should ideally have a rigid/semi rigid sole.

(Note: Guests will require a passcode to register & are limited to 5 taster sessions before a membership application is required, Guest registration will open 24hrs prior to the session to ensure priority to members who wish to attend).

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