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Club Newsletter Mid Summer July 2024

22 Jul 2024 11:37 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Club Newsletter

Mid Summer July 2024

This newsletter is going to be full of events, activities, and what club members have been  busy with so far.   

We will start with Dean on 15th June racing for GB in a duathlon at Coimbra, Portugal.  Well done Dean for a brilliant race and coming in 8th against some stiff competition.  

16th June was the Mid Sussex triathlon.  This has the reputation of a good, well run and friendly race.  Diana, Christine and Kevin took part and by all accounts enjoyed themselves.  Christine has written a few words about their day out.  

Kevin, Diana and myself did the sprint distance. We liked the pool swim which was  eight lanes of zig zag. Considering it was mid June it felt chilly when I set off on the bike. I really enjoyed the 25k cycle route which took us through some lovely country lanes with sign posts to Twineham and Wineham and finished with a straight stretch back to transition. The run route took us out and down a quiet lane where the pub was the turnaround (not stopping) point! That was hard coming back!! Leading up to the finish was long grass, uphill so not a fast finish for me but we did it. 
This was a lovely friendly event which attracted all abilities and there was a super sprint also for first timers. I would recommend it.

It was about this time Andrew Joad learnt that he had secured a roll down place to race for GB in the standard distance in Vichy France in September.  He had raced in Eastbourne last year, and did extremely well in a tough field.  Congratulations Andrew. 

Dean was in action again on 23rd June, taking part in the insanely tough and challenging Dragon Race in Wales.  Even Dean said that the 295 km cycle up and down the Welsh mountains was almost a step too far.   Congratulations on doing so well and indeed for surviving.  

John Easton and Grant took on a different type of event in and around the Jurassic Coast, the Dorset 'Race the Sun' event in aid of Action Medical Research.  They mountain biked, trekked and kayaked.  It sounded a long day but as the photos showed they accomplished the event in style and apparent ease.  In Grant's words …

On the 29th of June, John and I took part in an event called Race the Sun - Jurassic Coast. The event could be best described as a Triathlon with a difference. Starting and finishing at Corfe Castle in Dorset we headed west on Mountain Bikes to Kimmeridge Bay. We then put on our trekking shoes and went on a 9-mile hike with the route taking in the glorious Jurassic Coast. Back on the Mountain Bikes, the route took us along the Purbeck ridge before dropping into Studland Bay. We then had a refreshing paddle around the bay on a 2 -person kayak. The final leg was a relatively flat route back to Corfe Castle on the bikes.  I say relatively flat, the whole route seemed more up than down!!

We completed the course in 8hours 29mins finishing in 33rd place out of 68 teams that started. Had we known it was a race we probably wouldn’t have stopped halfway round for a Rum and Coke!! 

It was John's Birthday on the day which drew the attention of the event organisers, and we were cheered the whole way round which was great.

The event was a fundraiser for Action Medical Research which raised £190,000 in total for the charity. Many thanks to the club members that donated towards John and my contribution to the total, it was very much appreciated. 

It was great to receive the help and encouragement from the club, you’re all awesome!

John and Grant – aka the Birthday Team.

On 13th July Dean, Heather, Sarah and Annie went to Eton Dorney to race in the Euro Sprint qualifier.  The first hurdle was the M25 which was closed again that weekend for another bridge installation.  It was a damp drizzly sort of morning.  Dean had a good race, although he said he messed up his swim.  Cycle was super fast, but pulled his calf muscle during the run.  Hugh saw him limping into the finish, but still smiling. Heather said she enjoyed her first race at Eton, and has been inspired to get back to racing.  Sarah pulled all her courage together and after a few very stern words with herself got going and achieved the swim, bike and run. Well done Sarah.  I (Annie) had a good swim, and managed 3/4 of the cycle before a puncture stopped my race.  

The next day Andrew Joad also raced in the sprint event at Eton Dorney, coming a very creditable 5th in age group in a time of 1hr 13mins.  

Also on 14th July our stalwart coach Iain, and Ben took on a full ironman aquathon at the Ironbourne Events in Eastbourne.  Having jumped off the pier (a challenge in itself), Iain completed the course in 8hrs 03 min, and Ben, hot on his heels in 8hrs 50 min.  Such a demanding event with the last 10 miles of the cycle being brutal hills.  Iain reported that he had taken on a bit too much sea water on the swim, and didn’t feel his best on the cycle.  Ben completed the swim without a wet suit.  Hard core stuff!  Huge congratulations to both of you.  

Nearly there with the events!!

'Swim the Lake' was an event at Ardingly reservoir on 17th July, run by Paul Hedger of Hedgehog Tri who organised what might be his last event before retiring.  A goodly gang of us turned up to take part in what was a great evening's entertainment, comprising an aquathon and a 750m, 1500m and a 3000m swim.

Christine did the aquathon - a 750m swim followed by a very hilly 5k run.  Very well done Christine on a sunny and hot evening. 

Botts and Kevin accomplished the 3000m swim.  Heather, JoJo, Rosie, Theo and  I swam the 1500m.  I was overtaken by JoJo on the last few hundred yards who had 'found her legs' and shot past me, and Sharon swam the 750.  I am sure she enjoyed herself but I don’t think she was sure.  It was the most wonderful sunny, warm evening, with so many people entering.  It seemed that the Reservoir was only just big enough for so many swimmers. 

The last event before finishing this letter is from Heather.  Wow Heather, what a race!  She went back to Eton Dorney for a half ironman 'Castle to Coast'.  Swimming at Eton, then cycling down to Brighton, then ran a half marathon.  What a wonderful achievement after a couple of years with a back problem.  She was due to take part with her sister Bex for company, but she was also suffering with a back problem so could not take part. Congratulations Heather for completing a very challenging event.  I gather that you had company on part of the run when JoJo popped up to join you  for a little while.  That's what friends are for!

This is, so far, a busy summer schedule, and not finished yet.  I am always in danger of missing events which come fast and furiously during the summer with club members always finding unusual challenges to take on, so please keep me informed. If you want to, that is! 

Our committee is working on some social events for your delectation later on in the season. Watch this space.

What incredible members we have, taking on all these events, and reaching such heights.  I am convinced that our relaxed atmosphere and inclusivity and friendship goes a long way to making our club so successful in so many ways.  

Keep training, racing and achieving.  

Good luck all

Annie - Communications


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