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Early Autumn Newsletter

25 Sep 2024 14:35 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Club Newsletter

Early Autumn  September 2024

Hello Everyone,  

Just as I thought the summer events had come to an end, there was a flurry of activity.  

It was a drizzly and misty morning on 24th August at Weirwood.  An intrepid team with Rosie, Diana, Theo, JoJo, Heather, Gabe, Iain, Botts and Dean took part in the swim.  Despite the weather it was good fun. Some of us were even invited into the sailing club house for coffee and cake. A charm offensive ?

I raced in the Brighton Triathlon to race on 1st September.  Unusually, it was a very hot day indeed, sunny and humid.  The sea was flat and calm for the swim, with a slight undercurrent but nothing to worry about.  The pebbly beach was matted for the run out of the water to T1.  The bike course was 4 laps, and was very busy, almost too crowded with the number of competitors. It is obviously a very popular race.  T2 went well.  Then the run!  What can one say?  It was 28 degrees with very little wind and I struggled.  Luckily I got my second wind and finished.  Thank you Hugh, Sarah and Christine for great support. 

7th September saw Ben swimming again, this time in Tenby for a 6km swim in 2 hours.  Not much more information here but I'm sure he did well and enjoyed the event, while avoiding the jellyfish.  Well done Ben. 

The Southwater Relay was next day on the 8th September. It was a huge end of season get together for so many clubs.  We were able to put up seven teams of three, consisting of (in no particular order)  Christine, Diana, JoJo, Bex, Rosie, Heather, Sharon, Gabe, Grant, Iain, Andrew, Dean, James, Josh, Kevin, Woodsie, Botts, Wes, Malcolm and Ben. Leanne and Hannah and friend Lucy, also made up a team.  Becki had a team with two others - breakaway group! 

The race this year was condensed  due to the dreadful weather forecast, which actually never materialised.  The first to swim of each team set off just after 08.00 followed by swimmer two 20 minutes later, and then swimmer three.  Which meant there was a flurry of activity for quite a while.  The swimmers had to contend with a huge amount of weed, making swimming almost impossible, Sharon even had to be pulled out by a safety boat.  Apart from the famous "weed", the event was fast and furious, with lots of shouting and smiling faces.  Such a great event, and even for me as a spectator this time it was exciting, although in a perfect world I would have liked to have been taking part.  

Well done all those who competed.

That was a busy weekend with club members racing and riding all over the place.

14th September, and Botts was also at a swimming event, this time in the Thames Dock to Dock.  In his own words: 

"I did the Dock to Dock 10 km, it took 3hrs 40 and I ended up doing 11km with a little distance from not being a straight line and stopping for breaks (in the water). 

I obviously did it in the speedo rather than wetsuit!!   And I got a lovely medal and mug!"


Well done Botts, what a great swim.  I'm sure preparations are going well for the big one next year. 

Meanwhile Malcolm headed off to Italy from 18th to 22nd September for the Ziggurat Ride, with approximately 60 other riders.  It was a Tour of Tuscany for Action Medical Research, which went from Pisa, through Siena and Florence to Lucca -  a distance of 235 miles (376km) with a climb of 16,713 feet (5094m).   What an amazing feat of endurance and long days in the saddle.  Well done.  That must have been tough.  

Also that weekend saw the European Championships being held in Vichy, France.  We had two GB age groupers from the club competing.  Andrew Joad raced in the standard distance with a speedy time of 2hrs 40 mins and came 24th in his age group and 24th out of 57 overall.    Our new member, Sarah Smith, was racing in the sprint distance. A very speedy race for Sarah who came in 11th in her AG in 1hr 16mins. One to watch ! 

Congratulations to you both for great racing and representing our club in the Euro Champs. 

And welcome to the club Sarah, you both did us proud. 

Gabriel headed out to Italy to race at Cervia in the standard distance.  I have persuaded him to write a few words…..

"After joining the Crowborough Tri club earlier this year, I completed my first ever Olympic triathlon in Cervi, Italy on September 22nd in 2hrs and 53 minutes.

I thoroughly enjoyed this sold out event, alongside my cousin who was also participating. Dedicated to his father and accompanied by his family, it was an important milestone to celebrate. There are rumours this feat might be repeated again next year with more club athletes…

Thank you to the Crowborough Tri Club athletes for your encouragement, camaraderie and inspiring stories. I look forward to more memorable times alongside you next year."

I think he enjoyed it, and must be still smiling!  Congratulations Gabriel.  

He tells me that he is staying on in Italy to take part in a 100km Prosecco ride !  

I think, and hope, that I have reported back on all the events of the past few weeks, although sometimes it is difficult to keep up with you all!  

Well done one and all for all the events, and also for all those who don’t do so many, but keep training and enjoying the ride!  

A reminder that the Thursday evening turbo sessions start again next week on 3rd October. Come and join in and keep the cycle fitness going throughout the winter.  Meet up at 6pm for a 6.15 start in the turbo room at the Leisure Centre.   

It’s a snip at £7.  

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