Club Newsletter
October 2025
Hello Everyone
I'm starting with future events - while I still have your attention (!)
FORTHCOMING EVENTS - Keep the dates free
7th December 2024 - Club Christmas Party at the Huntsman, Eridge.
It would be lovely to see as many of you as possible. If you haven’t signed up on the WhatsApp poll just get in touch with Rosie, or Jo-Jo.
Next Year
Club Tri-a-Tri
We are planning a mini tri-a-tri, to be held in the spring. This will give those who have not yet entered a triathlon a taste of events, and also for the more experienced a chance to put all your winter training into practice. The date will be decided early next year.
31st May 2025
Isle of Wight Cycle
Another ride around the Isle of Wight is being planned for 31st May. This time there will be two routes, both will have refreshment stops. The longer one will be right round the island as per this year. The shorter one will be a lot shorter, perhaps detouring across the middle of the island. Iain says this is very hilly, so we will work on that! This plan hopefully will mean that more members who don't regularly ride long distances will feel able to take part. It is a great day out and fun to be with club members.
A couple of mad keen members, have signed up for an Ironman in Cervia, Italy. The weekend has other distances, i.e. half ironman, and a standard distance triathlon. The committee put forward the idea of making this a club weekend event.
The committee are putting their heads together to come up with ideas for other events for club participation next year.
I hope that the above dates and events will be of interest. But if you have any ideas or suggestions please get in touch.
In the meantime club members have been in action again.
Dean raced the Eridge 10 miles on 22nd September and came 4th Overall and 1st Vet. Congratulations Dean, another fast, furious and muddy run!
John Easton and his wife Tracey ran the Royal Park half marathon. In his own words.
After a break from any physical activity for a few months (and in Tracey's case, a few years), in April this year we decided to complete the Couch to 5K challenge. Whilst doing that, Tracey was asked by the Charity she volunteers for (Taylor Made Dreams), if she'd raise money for the charity by running the Royal Parks Half Marathon. Cut a long story short, on Sunday the 13th October, Tracey and I ran, well jogged, it. We were aiming for a 3 hour finish, but actually came in just over 2hrs.50mins which we're really chuffed with. We have raised just over £600 for TMD (thank you to those who donated) so made all the pain worthwhile. You can rest assured though that we'll not be doing a full marathon :)
Don't forget there is the regular coached Monday swim session from 6pm - 7pm
and coached turbo session on Thursday evenings 6.15pm - 7.15pm.
Do sign up on our website !
Finally, a reminder for all. Your committee members are:
Chairmen: Malcolm Clarke and Dean Taylor
Secretary: Jo Smith
Treasurer: Geoff Turner
Social Sec: Rosie Harris
Coach: Iain Watson
Kit: Andrew Joad
Communications: Annie Sidgwick
Happy training,
From Annie