Club Newsletter
January 2025
Hello Everyone.
Happy New Year, although this might be a little late by now as we head into the second half of January.
2024 ended in style with Josh and Sam running the Crowborough Runners 10k on 17th November. Sam earned a very creditable 2nd Place. Well done both of you.
December 7th was the Club Christmas Party, an evening of great fun held at the Huntsman Pub in Eridge. So good to see so many coming to celebrate together. There were many atmospheric photos taken of the evening; some of them might possibly be put on to the website! It is now the custom at this party for Chairmen to present the awards, and of course speeches about the club: what has happened, what people have been up to, and what people have achieved.
The first award was the Jane Bolton cup. This is awarded to the member who has achieved, and given, so much during the year to the club. And not only on a personal level but adding to the club and its activities. This year the cup was awarded to Gabriel Gilarranze, who not only did a 70.3 distance triathlon in Cervia, Italy, but also entered into the trithlon relay race with gusto at Southwater in September. Congratulations Gabriel. A well-deserved recipient. Please don’t stop smiling or showing your enthusiasm, not forgetting the M&Ms. (He brought an enormous pack to the Southwater Relay for our post-race sustenance !)
The second award is a new cup to be awarded by the club to the member who achieved outstanding events during the year. This, naturally, went to Wes Mulder who had set a target of 40 events in his 40th year. Not only were they a significant number, but included extreme runs and an ironman triathlon. By doing all these events he raised a great deal of money for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. Congratulations to Wes for a most incredible year.
As I write this newsletter, January has been extremely cold with frost and snow. However, this has not stopped Botts and Ben training in open water on early on Saturday mornings at Sea Lanes in Brighton. Dark, freezing and a bit mad. They tell me that it was wonderful, starting in the dark and watching the sun rise. Huge well done to you both.
Behind the scenes you have a committee who work, plan, organise, train, support and hopefully inspire you. A brief outline of the most recent meeting is posted below. It contains all sorts of interesting information. There will be a club try-a-tri (date to be confirmed) . There will be a cycle on the Isle of Wight, which will have two distances - the full/long circuit, and a shorter one for those who want a slightly more gentle/leisurely ride. It would be just wonderful to have lots of members taking part in these events, which are great fun and a really good way to work as a club, and get to know each other.
The club AGM will be held in April and is also a must! Unlike a lot of AGMs our club has a really good social evening, held at the Boar's Head Pub. Although it has to have certain formalities, we treat it informally. It takes place after a Monday evening swim. The Agenda is dealt with swiftly and efficiently. Please come along.
Summary of the last committee meeting
The club is really encouraged with swim numbers – currently exceeding 20 members per session. Everyone seems to be improving and getting a lot from the sessions. Speak to one of the coaches if you have any queries.
Congratulations to Phil Twiddy who is currently undergoing his British Triathlon coach training. Look out for Phil assisting Iain with a couple of swim sessions soon!
If any other members are interested in taking up a coaching qualification please get in touch with either Dean, Iain or Andrew.
Indoor Spin Sessions will be booked until end of April 2025 we will then move to outdoor rides in May.
Running is normally left to the individual member but we would encourage members to drop a message on WhatsApp if they are doing runs where they are happy for others to join – this goes for any bike rides/swimming and of course coffee/cake!
Club finances are discussed at CTCC meetings and the yearly accounts will be disclosed at the AGM.
Club Tri Event – similar to a ‘Try a Tri’ to encourage current and new members to join us and try their first event – short version of a Triathlon – suggest 200m, 15k bike ride and 2.5k run – we are hoping to hold this indoors (apart from the run) to help with the weather and any traffic/road nerves. Club will try and arrange for March 2025 dates tbc.
Isle of Wight annual club ride 31.5.25 – CTCC will be messaging the club to confirm number of participants so we can plan for number of support cars, routes, leaders etc. Entry fee £10 - please express your interest by end of 31.3.25
CTCC will be providing a summary of the outcome of each committee meeting.
Club successfully re affiliated and insured with British Triathlon for another year!
New design for CTC logo agreed – new design to be circulated once proof received.
Next meeting will be the AGM in April, date TBC – encourage members to attend.
That is enough from me now, and I leave it to you to carry on with your winter training and look forward to the longer days, sunshine, and summer events. Happy Training
Annie Sidgwick - Communications