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Spontaneous Tri

19 Jul 2017 10:31 | Deleted user
By Sue Pople

You know how it is…….one thing leads to another.

Well a week ago a small group of us swam 4 km in Weirwood to raise money for the Hospice in the Weald, an event organised by Alex. Walking back to the car park, one friend suggested that we add a cycle ride onto an early morning swim. Obviously a good idea and another person said “ why don’t we add a park run “ so before we knew it, a plan was hatched to have our own Triathlon.!!

So last Saturday morning, a small but crazy group of “Triathletes” met at Weirwood at 6.45am. This was Alex, Heather, Alan, Sue, Annie and Claire. We swam 1300m in the beautifully warm waters of Weirwood and headed back to the club house for transition. I am sure in Robs latest transition training session, there must have been a mention of showering because Heather decided that was an essential  part of the triathlon! Meanwhile Annie and Claire opted to drive to Haywards Heath to the Claire Hall park run.

With Heather smelling fresh as a daisy, the remaining group of 4 started the ride to Haywards Heath. Alans navigational skills didn’t let us down and apart from going through a road closed section where we felt sure no one would be working, but there were men laying fresh tar, there were no problems. I will confess at this point that I have decided that my E bike is the  new love of my life, although Alex did say I have an evil snigger as I approach the hills and overtake him!

Waiting at the start of the run, it was brought to our attention that Alex had been “uncomfortable” on the bike ride. No details required! It was then pointed out that he had his Tri suit on back to front therefore offering saddle comfort in all the wrong places. Fortunately there were nearby amenities for him to sort out his clothing !

The park run was well organised and included a climb which was called a hill in Sussex. Nothing compared to the hills we have in Crowborough !  Unfortunately Claire had a to pull out of the run due to painful hips.

We felt obliged to follow up the run with coffee and cake in the local high street, giving us all time to stiffen up before the ride back to Weirwood.  We just made it back before a small shower of rain, just to freshen Heather up again.

It was a great morning but a lesson learnt……. Choose your friends carefully!

P.S  Rob, please don’t despair!!

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