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  • 2 Apr 2021 11:59 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Now that lockdown restrictions have been eased a little we took the opportunity for the first group ride of the year.

    It made a nice change to meet up and ride with others, looking forward to more face to face club events in 2021....

  • 24 Aug 2019 10:51 | Deleted user

    Thanks to all those that followed and supported my second Ironman, I truly would not have achieved this without the club's support and look forward to being able to offer some advice to those that make the same journey - I started in lane 1 swimming only breaststroke and not owning a bike 3 years ago!

    Some might also recognise Frank O'Brien who originally desinged the club logo and is still going strong on the bike and completed his first Ironman!

  • 24 Aug 2019 10:42 | Deleted user

    Another busy weekend last week with some great results to celebrate;

    Ringmer Triathlon Standard distance;

    Winner - Heather Stevens
    Second - Sally McCleverty
    Third - Bex Stevens

    First in AG - Kevin Battell

    Ringmer Triathlon Sprint distance;

    Winner - James Cox
    Second (and First in AG) - Danny Turnock

    Second in AG - Malcolm Clarke

    Third in AG - Sharon Wheeler

    Ringmer Triathlon Super Sprint;

    Third (and First in AG) - Jo Smith 

    Ringmer Duathlon;

    Third (and First in AG) - Sarah Cooper

    Well done to all who competed and represented the club so well!

  • 10 Aug 2019 19:48 | Deleted user

    Congratulations to all that competed at Bewl Triathlon last weekend.  This event was chosen as the Club Championship and saw a great turnout with many firsts to list.

    First of all, our Champions are Roger Moore and Sally McCleverty - more details on how this was calculated below.

    Theo took part in her first triathlon and finished in 1:47:20, a great achievement and I'm sure it will be the first of many.

    Both Annie and Sally came 1st in their Age Group so a great achievement and Roger came 11th overall and a very close 2nd in his Age Group, just 11 seconds behind the winner!

    Heather was the only competitor in the club that took on the standard distance and came a very impressive 10th overall - well done all!

    The results for the Club Championship are as follows;

      Bewl Tri  Time  AG % Athlete 25 % Total 
     1st Roger  1.11.24 99.7 118.2 217.9
     2nd Andrew  1.22.57 99.3 101.7 201
     3rd Danny  1.20.32 86.7 104.8 191.5
      Kevin  1.28.16 92.9 95.4 188.3
     1st Sally  1.34.12 100 93.1 193.1
     2nd Sue 1.32.18 83.8 95.3 179.1
     3rd Bex 1.32.43 77 94.8 171.8
      Annie  2.00.35 100 63.2 163.2
      Theo 1.47.20 59.2 78.3 137.5
      Diana 1.51.48 59.2 73.2 132.4
      Heather  2.48.11 92 100 192

    Just to explain they are calculated as follows:
    1. AG% is the Athlete's time as a % relative to the fastest finisher in their Age Group (i.e. 1st in Age Group = 100%)
    2. Athlete 25% is the Athlete’s time as a % relative to the time of the athlete finishing at 25% of the field in the gender category (i.e. 213 males * 0.25 = 53 place) So if you were better than 53rd you score more than 100%, worse you score less.
    3. These two scores are added together to give an overall score to determine the placings.
  • 5 May 2019 19:11 | Deleted user

    After the recent strong performance in the Uckfield Triathlon members met at the Kings Centre in East Grinstead today for a recce of the bike course along with an hour of transition training.  The bikes were racked and Rob demonstrated how to layout your clothing and accessories ready for the bike, we discussed the basic rules and then went through some practical drills.  Great fun and some essential lessons learned for all!

    Good luck for the East Grinstead entrants!

  • 19 Apr 2019 13:04 | Deleted user

    Good Friday just got better as we met early for the first club ride of the season, a lovely route from Crowborough out to Uckfield where we rode the bike course of the upcoming Uckfield Triathlon.

    Those slightly more efficient cyclists chose 3 loops whilst others took the more leisurely option of just 2 before meeting back at the Leisure Centre and then heading back to Crowborough (totalling 28 miles with 2 loops).

    The garden of the Crowborugh Cross was so inviting by the time we got back we could not resist the added option of breakfast in the sun!

    Happy Easter

  • 27 Jul 2018 18:48 | Deleted user

    By Alex Cole

    I will start with one of the questions I was asked most in the lead up to the event...had I done a half Ironman before? The answer is no and I don’t think I would have learned anything more than I had done from standard distance Triathlons so don’t let that put you off! The basics are the same, you just need to train with longer distances.

    One of the hardest parts is signing up, finding a realistic time frame and of course, a glamorous location!

    We travelled up to the slightly more glamorous Harrogate where my Aunty lives for 5 days of relaxing before heading across to a Bolton hotel.  I thoroughly recommend this bit as I turned up to the start line the most relaxed I have been at an event.

    The registration, bike racking and bag drops were seamless, a really well organised event and you realise that you are not the only “Ironman virgin”, in fact over half the pack were aiming to “become one”.

    On the Saturday after racking the bike we drove away from T1 and followed the bike route loop to discover the more glamorous parts of me! The roads led up to the moorlands surrounded by stone walls and scattered with sheep and cattle and I soon discovered that the elevation was more intimidating on the route map than in real life, nothing that really dwarfed any of our regular training spots on the forest.

    The next challenge was getting an early night and some sleep but I did ok with this, the alarms went off at 2:30am and the hotel were serving breakfast from 3am to cater for the many athletes staying there so I ate far more than I normally would on a race day before heading to Pennington Flash nice and early for the 6am start. Tip - get there early, use the toilet facilities before the queues start!

    The swim was a rolling start at 6am and you lined up based on your predicted times, again be ambitious with this as the last thing you need is to get caught up in traffic so i put myself in between the 1:10 and 1:20 posts. The water was clear and 23 degrees at 6am but still wetsuit compulsory and I kept myself relaxed and swam really well, a few whacks in the goggles and it got busy at the buoys and the Aussie-exit before jumping back in for the second 1900m loop.

    I came out of the water after 1 hr 21 mins before taking a bit of extra time to make sure my feet were dry and I had fuelled up on some flapjack before heading out on the bike.  I was buzzing by this point to be honest, the sun had come up, the crowds were lined up from the swim exit and for the first couple of miles on the bike already and I started to get the feeling that I was going to do this…  

    I felt good on the bike, I knew this was the longest discipline and probably my least strong so I went hard, I always seem to find a bit extra on race day and before I knew it I had taken on two of the big hills, shared high 5’s with some fancy-dressed crowds and was enjoying the inevitable descents. 

    The 30 mile marker was a bit of a burst to the bubble as it meant two-thirds of the shortened course remained but with my head down I carried on and was soon at the start of the second loop and by then there were no surprises, just slightly more tired legs!

    As the day went on the crowds got bigger and louder despite the course being so long, there must have been tens of thousands of people out supporting in the 25 degree heat.

    I didn’t really have any concept of times but I felt that I had given everything I could to the hills of Bolton as I pulled in to T2, racked my bike and ran in to change footwear, a quick refuel and out on to the hot streets for 26.2 miles over 4 laps. In my mind this was a good thing as it broke the run down in to smaller chunks but after coming to the first hill in the park, it dawned on me that it meant we had to do that 4 times. There was a long stretch up Chorley Road which was covered in crowds and feed stations and you could see athletes heading back looking more tired than you which is reassuring but also a little disconcerting as I was yet to reach that point! 

    I got chatting to fellow first timers as our runs became slower and the can do attitude got stronger, each lap you flirt with the 
    finish line and hear those epic words being spoken as many crossed it.  This was the first sign of a clock too so I could see that my first lap was reasonable, second slightly slower but I could work out that I could afford to slow down a bit more and still achieve a good time so I kept digging in, starting to walk to the feed stations to get more fuel in the peak heat.

    I got to stop and chat to my support crew too, the lovely Sarah who had supported me throughout my journey, putting up with the training hours, the early nights, the negative moods and turning them into positives and without her I would never have got to this point so I had to finish for me but I owed so much of it to her too.

    And here we go, the magic carpet was just around the corner, spectators could count my wrist bands and see I was on the last straight and their cheers were louder and that inner reserve tank seemed to top me up for the final 800m, every hair stood up on my body and 

    I heard the announcer say those words “Alex you are an Ironman”. An amazing personal achievement and I am so delighted but I honestly couldn’t have done it without the support of the club, my family and of course back to last surprise I had lined up was a proposal and I’m pleased to say she said yes! To getting in two years time married and to me doing another Ironman next year, result! 

    Who fancies it?

  • 4 Sep 2017 09:01 | Deleted user

    By Alan Pople

    Waking up in the New Forest is normally a very pleasant experience, but this morning its still dark (  its only  4.30 am ) and I’m feeling more than a bit nervous.  Today is the New Forest Half Ironman and we are in our campervan parked at a camp site a couple of miles down the road from Moyles School where its  due to start at 7.00 am. After boiling our kettle for the morning cuppa our van chooses this moment to run out of gas , so the promised cooked breakfast will have to wait ( lets hope this isn’t a bad omen ). The camp site seems extremely quiet as we drive slowly out over a cattle grid and head for the  venue. As we drive into the school car park there is a real buzz about the place.  Bikes are being unloaded ,competitors nervously rearrange their kit and apply numerous numbers to helmets bikes and bags. The Swim start is  a kilometre down the road at Ellingham lake which is normally used for water skiing. There are rumours of traffic chaos on the roads ( even at this time in the morning ) and the start may be delayed. Sue and I walk down to the lake anyway and try to get to grips with the plan of the day. Two laps of the lake ( 1.9k ), three laps of the bike course (90K ), and two laps of the run on compacted gravel paths ( 21K ). This does seem a lot further than my normal Sprint Tri / Park Runs, but there is no going back now..

    After a briefing ( the mike fails and the man in-charge resorts to shouting ), the 230 half Ironmaners don our yellow swim hats and head into the water. There is a lot of nervous chatter as we tread water waiting for the start gun. The gun goes and the usual melee starts , all trying to find some space and rhythm . There is one guy in a random blue hat that I keep pace with and start to feel relatively comfortable on the first lap. The swimmers spread out and despite a little pond weed all seems well. At a buoy about three quarters of the way round there is some shouting going on between the safety boat and a kayaker. Cant work out what that’s about but no one seems to be in trouble  so we carry on.  A group of fast white hatted Sprint Triathletes start to over take me  and I seem to be heading for the get out point ( not where I want to be ). I stop for a second to take stock and realise that I’m getting separated from my yellow hatted competitors who are starting lap two. I have to do a quick swim across the white hats to get back on course. I catch up with the yellow hats, and I’m back on track.  I finish lap two and head for the get out point feeling a little cramp in my right leg . As I get out Sue explains that about a third of the swimmers were led round the wrong buoy by the safety boat ( hence the shouting ) causing chaos with the faster swimmers  (but I did the full 1.9K.. phew ).


    There’s a quick “shoe transition” by the lake where we shed wetsuits and don shoes to run the 1 K back to the school to pick up the bike. Transition is fairly smooth and I start lap one of the bike route. We had cycled a lap of the bike course the day before so it seemed familiar. Now for some reason although the animals have hundreds of acres to roam around in on the Forest, a lot of them seem to want to stand around in the roads. This is not ideal when you are trying to compete in your first Half Iron man. Horses seem to be totally oblivious to cars whizzing past but seem to take exception to the humble cyclist. At one point as a cyclist starts to pass me, a horse grazing on the verge takes fright and leaps into the middle of the road ( no road sense ).   I shout whoa, the other cyclist shouts F…. and we both take avoiding action. The other cyclist veers right, I go left and luckily Neddy stays where he is, and all is well.

    Later on the lap we slow down for a group of cows who are taking their morning stroll down the road ! Lap one is nearly finished ( Jacob’s lap ). In my head I’ve decided to do a bike or run lap for each grandson and the last lap for Sue). Quicker than expected I see Sue back at the School , exchange a few words and head out on Sammy’s lap. On this lap I pass a guy dresses as Spiderman waving two cow bells as cyclists go by ( yes really ! ) I try to get into a bit of a rhythm and make as much use of by Aero bars as I can. I pass a sign, “ Wine. Dine and Relax “ outside a restaurant.. that sounds like a much better idea !  On a steep down hill stretch I over take two donkeys ! Checking my speedo each lap seems to be 20 miles ,which is a bit more than the promised mileage by my calculations !

    I start lap 3 ( Caleb’s lap ). Things start to get tough. For some reason the hills have got steeper , the number of fellow cyclists have got fewer and the padding on my shorts seems to have got thinner . Spiderman is still there doing his stuff ( Bless him). That cramp is starting to come back as well !  I get stuck behind a caravan , which is stuck behind a slow moving group of cows, and I feel that I too am starting to run out of gas. I hit a pot hole that I didn’t see and my bike gives an ominous groan.  If my chain broke would I been frustrated or relieved… not sure . Come on, cant give up on Caleb’s lap. At last I see Sue back at the school and she passes me some extra drink with a Tab for the cramp and I start the run ( Harry’s lap ).

    Both legs are cramping now and my hope of not having to walk soon fades I’m afraid as I encounter the first few hills. An unusual shape route means that I’m passing lots of other competitors on “out and back” routes . I’m pleased to see that I’m not the only one suffering and many others are having to resort to a walk / run policy. The cramp is bad now but a coach helps me by showing me some stretches which help. Sue’s there at a water station which helps enormously. On the last part of the Run there are only a few competitors left, and I know Im right at the back ( but I cant give up on Sue’s lap).  Those of us at the back give each other some encouragement with a thumbs up, or a “well done- keep going “ as we pass each other. Sue runs the last 2 and a half Km back from the water station with me to the finish line, and Ive made it! Out of 230 starters, 25 did not finish, and only 4 finished after me ….but I was a STARTER and a FINISHER even if my time of 8.05 hrs was a lot slower than I had hoped for.

    Am I pleased to have done it….YES. I felt I may not have shown much speed, but I stuck to it despite the painful legs… but how anyone can do a full Ironman I do not know ( respect to those of you who have ).

  • 4 Sep 2017 08:45 | Deleted user

    by Bex and Heather Stevens

    Another lovely morning for this local event, which had about 100 competitors, including seven from the club. The pool was hot but the roads were flat and fast, although the traffic on the A22 was a little daunting. The run (which was up to three laps) was entertaining - including two styles, a dozen cows and plenty more cow-pats!


    Everyone seemed to really enjoy the morning and we were impressed by the friendly organisers and Heather's highlight was the ice-cream van! We would certainly recommend the event for next year, particularly for those wanting a smaller scale event or if you want to set a PB on this speedy course.


    Novice Distance (200m / 12k / 3k)

     Claire Stafford  1:00:19


    Sprint Distance (400m / 23k / 6k)

     Roger Moore  1:11:43  2nd place / 1st fastest vet
     Sue Newman  1:35:33  1st fastest veteran
     Swati Patel  1:47:25  


    Standard Distance (800m / 40km / 9km)

     James Cox  2:08:30  3rd place
     Heather Stevens  2:26:43  2nd place

  • 24 Aug 2017 22:24 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Annie Sidgwick

    A beautiful summer morning. An early start at 7am. 6am registration, racking bikes, wet suits on and ready. Lovely swim in very flat calm waters of Bewl. Men set off first in one wave, followed by the women's wave a few minutes later.  A long run up a steep grassy bank to transition to take wet suits off, cycle shoes on, helmets on, number on, and off with the bike for the cycle round Kent - Wadhurst, Cousley Wood, Ticehurst and back.

    Into transition, bikes racked, helmets off, change shoes, number to the front, and off on run. Down to the dam and run along below the dam wall and back across the top. Twice! (And four times for poor Sally!!)

    Everyone did brilliantly. Some getting faster and faster, and better and better.  

    Well done everyone. 

    Claire Stafford also came to Bewl, although unable to compete, was the best supporter and photographer one could wish for.  

    Sprint Distance - Swim 750m (although some say it was nearer 900); Cycle 20k all around Wadhurst, Cousley Wood, Ticehurst; Run 5k over across and back across the dam. 

     Heather Stevens  1hr 29.01  3rd in age group
     Sue Newman  1hr 41.13  6th in age group
     Bex Stevens  1hr 41.48  3rd in age group
     Annie Sidgwick  1hr 51.47  1st in age group
     Sue Pople  1hr 57.31  3rd in age group
     Alan Pople  1hr 35.49  3rd in age group
     Graham Anderson  1hr 42.07  8th in age group

    Standard Distance - Swim 1500m; Cycle 40km; Run 10km 

     Sally McCleverty  3hrs 16.35  2nd in age group


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